Botty is the official BonoboNET bot written by rany
There are quite a few of commands and this section aims to describe them all.
Translation service
Botty has the ability to translate sentences you give it to any language of choice or to guess the language of the setenece provided and then to translate it to English.
The following translates the given sentence to English by guessing the origin language:
The reply:
The following let's you translate a given sentence to the requested language, here Arabic:
The reply:
Deavmi Comedy
If you wish to express the
a e t h e t i c sin your text then this command is for your:
The reply:
Rot 13
Rot 13 does a simple scrambling of the words. For more information see ROT13.
Here we rotate the text "THIS IS A SECRET... ROMAN SECURITY":
The reply:
Urban Dictionary lookup
Botty provides the ability to look up the meaning of words according to the world's true source of information, Urban Dictionary.
Here we use the command to lookup the definition of "penis":
The reply:
botty: rany, Definition:
botty: [the thing] that [justin bieber] [doesnt] have
botty: rany, Example:
botty: [haha] he [doesnt] have [a penis]
botty: rany, Author: helloim345
botty: rany, Permalink:
If you want to get the second top definition then you can do something like this:
Text reversal
You can reverse text too:
The reply:
Searching the web
Botty provides the ability to search the web using DuckDuckGo and grabbing the first result. Here we search for the definition of "Little Endian":
The reply:
botty: deavmiYgg, <section class="prog__container"><p>From Swift: someone who eats eggs little end first. Also used of computers that store the least significant byte of a word at a lower byte address than the most significant byte. Often considered superior to big-endian machines. See also big-endian.</p></section>
You can ping hosts using Botty. It will only ping the host once which is akin to running ping <ip> -c 1
The reply:
Botty has a few integrations with respect to textual recognition.
Website recognition
Botty can recognize links in text and shows the website's title at said link.
The reply:
If you have a YouTube video in the message you send then it will appear with the information:
The reply: